Monday, May 19, 2008

Running with Horton this summer on the CDT?

If you go out to run with Horton on the CDT this summer, you should consider a few things: 

  1. You need to be self-sufficient.  You need to supply all your own food, tent, supplies and other gear. 
  2. JB and Horton will not be able to shuttle your car around for you.  If you come out, you should bring someone else to drive your vehicle.  If possible, consider driving Horton's crew truck so that JB can get in some running on the trails. 
  3. When possible consider bringing Horton and JB something special to eat or drink (you know Horton loves ice cream & milkshakes so it's always welcome) or a full meal.  If you live close to the trail, fix them a meal and let them stay at your place for the night.
  4. When you run with Horton, please run behind him or slightly behind him if it is a place that you can run side by side.  He needs to be setting the pace.  If you can’t keep up, he is mean, he will leave you on the trail.

On the side bar (and in an earlier post), there is a list of CDT Post Office Drops that JB and Horton will check weekly.   Please consider sending them a card or goodies (something that will not spoil).  Contact from the outside world will be appreciated.

Please e-mail me for more information or if you have questions.

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